Hello world

piet hello world

The above is the "hello world" program of the esoteric programming language Piet. A work of art indeed.

"Hello world" are supposed to be the first words released on the Internet, and tradition calls for new programmers to code a program that prints "Hello world" to the screen.

If you are a Pythonista, you may be familiar with:

print("Hello world")

My favorite programming language, C, has a somewhat more archane "hello world":

# include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("Hello world");

These programs, surprisingly, can become pretty crazy. For example, here is one in [FiM++] which looks like a toddler's letter to her grandma (esolangs.org/wiki/FiM%2B%2B):

Dear Princess Celestia: Hello World!

Today I learned something simple.
I said “Hello, World!”!
That's all about something simple!

Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

And if you are still not convinced, here is the Brainfuck (yes, the Brainfuck) equivalent:


Well, that's it for today. Until next time, goodbye.